NGR Nutribact


Nutrition for Biological Waste Treatment Bacteria

NGR Nutibact Powder is a nutrient with two components in it, to be specific N and P. NGR Nutribact is utilized to improve and keep up the exhibition of activated sludge which consistently requires a reasonable stockpile of nutrients.

NGR Nutribact is a finished nourishment produced using unadulterated normal natural materials that gives the largest conceivable chance to improve and keep up the exhibition of Activated Sludge in the biological waste treatment measure.

NGR Nutribact is the aftereffect of determination of chose characteristic natural fixings and is handily consumed by Activated Sludge microorganisms viably. The properties, advantages, and favorable circumstances of NGR Nutribact are that it is non-hygroscopic, dissolvable in water, as granules, liberated from dust and non-tenacity, making it simple to apply. Contains components of N and P which are overall dissolvable in water, which is the way into the achievement of the biological waste treatment measure.


  1. It can be used for both anaerobic biological wastewater treatment process, and aerobic biological wastewater treatment process.
  2. It can be used at municipal grease trap.
  3. Improve the performance of Activated Sludge microorganisms to improve the health of their growth and development.
  4. Can suppress / replace the use of chemical fertilizers (Urea and TSP)
  5. Providing complete nutritional elements for Activated Sludge microorganisms.
  6. Providing beneficial microorganisms for the Activated Sludge process.
  7. Maintaining the balance of microorganism biomass so that the activated sludge process is relatively more stable.
  8. Reducing BOD, COD, and other pollutants in the biological waste treatment proce
  9. Improve the quality of processed products.
  • NGR Nutribact Liquid

The composition of the NUTRIBACT product consists of ingredients with a balanced and complete nutritional composition and added with bacteria as a starter. Nutritional products on the market today are not equipped with bacteria (starter) so that the activated sludge often lacks the biomass of the decomposing bacteria so that the waste process is disrupted. For this reason, the current NUTRIBACT product is a very innovative breakthrough to help managers of biologically activated sludge processing waste to maintain the composition of the activated sludge biomass with the result (excess sludge) can be used for plant media and as a result the manager will benefit accordingly, which to be expected.


  1. It can be used for both anaerobic biological wastewater treatment process, and aerobic biological wastewater treatment process.
  2. Improve the performance of Activated Sludge microorganisms to improve the health of their growth and development.
  3. Can suppress / replace the use of chemical fertilizers (Urea and TSP)
  4. Providing complete nutritional elements for Activated Sludge microorganisms.
  5. Providing beneficial microorganisms for the Activated Sludge process.
  6. Maintaining the balance of microorganism biomass so that the activated sludge process is relatively more stable.
  7. Reducing BOD, COD, and other pollutants in the biological waste treatment process.
  8. Improve the quality of processed products.
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